- bottery
- bot·tery
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
bottery tree — ˈbäd.ərē noun Etymology: bottery alteration of bourtree : bourtree … Useful english dictionary
'Allo 'Allo! (series 8) — This article contains episode summaries for the eighth series of the British Sitcom series Allo Allo!. The series contains a Christmas special which aired on 24 December 1991, and seven episodes which first aired between 5 January and 1 March… … Wikipedia
cunning men, women — From the medieval period almost to the present day, there have been people who were employed by others to practise magical skills on their behalf, and were paid in money or small gifts, thus usefully supplementing the income from their regular … A Dictionary of English folklore