- bozzetto
- boz·zet·to
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
bozzetto — ● bozzetto, bozzetti nom masculin (mot italien) Esquisse, ébauche … Encyclopédie Universelle
bozzetto — /bo ts:et:o/ s.m. [der. di bozza ]. 1. [modello in scala ridotta o disegno preparatorio di un opera] ▶◀ abbozzo, bozza, modellino, modello, progetto, schizzo, studio. 2. (artist.) [composizione figurativa o racconto quasi impressionistici: b. di… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Bozzetto — Loredana (1997) Wachsbozzetto von Ernemann Sander Der Bozzetto (it. bozzetto, Verkleinerungsform von bozza „roher Stein; Entwurf“) ist ein plastisches Modell, das als Entwurf für eine Figur oder eine Plastik hergestellt wird. Bozzetti werden aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bozzetto — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Bozzetto est le patronyme de Roger Bozzetto (1937), critique littéraire Bruno Bozzetto (1938), auteur de bandes dessinées Mathieu Bozzetto (1973),… … Wikipédia en Français
bozzetto — boz·zét·to s.m. 1. CO primo studio sintetico di un opera d arte; schizzo di un cartellone pubblicitario o di una scenografia Sinonimi: abbozzo; macchietta, schizzo. 2. TS lett. racconto breve e vivace, anche inserito come digressione in opere di… … Dizionario italiano
Bozzetto — Boz|zet|to der; s, s <aus gleichbed. it. bozzetto, Verkleinerungsform von bozza »roher Stein; Entwurf«> erster skizzenhafter, plastischer Entwurf für eine Skulptur, für Porzellan … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
bozzetto — An Italian term for a sculptured sketch made as a model, typically of wax or clay. This is the Italian equivalent to a maquette, a French term used more often by English speakers than is bozzetto … Glossary of Art Terms
Bozzetto, Bruno — (1938 ) Director, cartoonist, animator. Widely regarded as Italy s leading animator, in 1958 Bozzetto created by hand in his home his first 13 minute animated short film, Tapum: La storia delle armi (A History of Weapons, 1958). Following the… … Guide to cinema
Bozzetto, Bruno — (1938 ) Director, cartoonist, animator. Widely regarded as Italy s leading animator, in 1958 Bozzetto created by hand in his home his first 13 minute animated short film, Tapum: La storia delle armi (A History of Weapons, 1958). Following the… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Bozzetto — Bozzẹtto [italienisch] der, s/ s, erster skizzenhafter, plastischer Entwurf für eine Skulptur oder für Porzellan, v. a. in Ton, Wachs, Stuck oder Holz … Universal-Lexikon
bozzetto — {{hw}}{{bozzetto}}{{/hw}}s. m. 1 Modello o disegno preliminare in scala ridotta di un opera | Piccola, vivace composizione figurativa. 2 Novella breve che ritrae situazioni o personaggi della vita quotidiana … Enciclopedia di italiano