- brahmo
- brah·mo
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Brahmo — A Brahmo is either an adherent of Brahmoism to the exclusion of all other religions, or a person with at least one Brahmo parent or guardian and who has never denied his faith. This definition has evolved from legal acts and juristic decree since … Wikipedia
brahmo — ˈbrä(ˌ)mō noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Bengali Brahmo (Samāj) assembly or church of Brahma, the first member of the Hindu trinity : a member of an eclectic Hindu theistic society noted for its pronounced monotheism and vigorous … Useful english dictionary
Brahmo Samaj — (Bengali ব্রাহ্ম সমাজ Bramho Shômaj ) is the societal component of Brahmoism. It is without doubt the most influential socio religious movement in the evolution of Modern ( Greater ) India. [J.N.Farquahar Modern Relgious Movements of India,(1915) … Wikipedia
Brahmo Samaj — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brahmo Samaj: Es un movimiento social y religioso fundado en el siglo XIX durante el llamado renacimiento de Bengala. Brahmo Samaj significa literalmente la sociedad de devotos del Dios verdadero. Brahmo significa… … Wikipedia Español
Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya — Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya, popularly called Brahmo Girls School , located at 294 APC Roy Road, Kolkata 700009 , is a Bengali medium girls school founded by the Brahmo Samaj. The school motto is Shraddhaya, Tapasha, Sevaya , which means Respect,… … Wikipedia
Brahmo-somaj — Brah mo so*maj , n. [Bengalese, a worshiping assembly.] A modern reforming theistic sect among the Hindus. [Written also {Brama samaj}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brahmo Samadsch — (B. Somaj), s. Brahmanismus (am Schluß) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
BRAHMO SAMAJ — BR HMO SAM J Nom donné par son fondateur à l’un des puissants courants réformateurs qui se sont manifestés depuis le début du XIXe siècle au sein de l’hindouisme.De telles tendances ont toujours existé en Inde, notamment avec les prédications de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
brahmo samaj — bràhmo sàmāj m DEFINICIJA pokret unutar hinduizma (od 1828), odbacuje mnoge elemente hinduizma i preuzima neke od kršćanskih rituala ETIMOLOGIJA bengal. brahma samaj: skupština Brahma … Hrvatski jezični portal
Brahmo Conference Organisation — The Brahmo Conference Organisation ( Sammilan ) was founded on 27 January 1881 at Mymensingh Bangladesh. It is the inter faith organisation between the Brahmos of Adi Dharm and some from Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. The stated objectives for founding… … Wikipedia
Brahmo Samaj — Der Brahmo Samaj ist eine hinduistische Reformorganisation, die 1828 von Ram Mohan Roy in Kolkata gegründet wurde. Obwohl der Brahmo Samaj niemals viele Mitglieder hatte, war sein Einfluss auf das geistige Leben Bengalens beträchtlich. Eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia