- branchiopneustic
- bran·chi·op·neus·tic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
branchiopneustic — adj. [Gr. branchia, gills; pneustikos, of breathing] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Pertaining to a form of respiration in larvae where the spiracles are functionally replaced by gills … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
branchiopneustic — /brang kee op nooh stik, nyooh /, adj. Entomol. breathing by means of gills, as certain aquatic insect larvae. [BRANCHIO + Gk pneustikós, equiv. to pneus (verbid s. of pneîn to breathe) + tikos TIC] * * * … Universalium
branchiopneustic — |braŋkēˌäp|n(y)üstik, ēəp adjective Etymology: branchi + Greek pneustos having (such) breath + English ic more at pneusta : having the spiracles replaced by gills used of certain immature aquatic insects * * * /brang kee op nooh stik, nyooh /,… … Useful english dictionary