- brodie
- bro·die
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Brodie — ist der Name eines schottischen Clans, siehe Brodie (Clan) und ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Oswald Brodie (1849–1918), US amerikanischer Offizier und Politiker Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783–1862), britischer Chirurg Benjamin … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brodie — Brodie, Benjamin Collins Baronet B., Professor der Anatomie u. Chirurgie am Königlichen Collegium der Wundärzte in London, Lehrer der Chirurgie am Medical theatre in Great Windmill Street, Wundarzt am St. Georgsspital; er schr.: Observations on… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Brodie — Brodie, sir Benjamin Collins … Enciclopedia Universal
Brodie — Family name name = Brodie image size = 150px caption = Clan Brodie Crest Badge pronunciation = IPAeng|Brodie meaning = Unknown meaning, various theories, see Clan Brodie. region = Brodie, Moray, Scotland.… … Wikipedia
Brodie — Steve Brodie, a newsboy did on July 23, 1886, what people thought was impossible to do and still live. He jumped from the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge. And for that foolhardy leap, won a bet of $200. According to The New York Times,… … Dictionary of eponyms
Brodie — This interesting surname is of Scottish locational origin from Brodie Castle in Moray on the coast between Nairn and Forres. The placename probably derives from the Gaelic brothach meaning muddy place rather that bruthach steep place. The senior… … Surnames reference
brodie — /broh dee/, n. (sometimes cap.) Slang. 1. a suicidal or daredevil leap; wild dive: to do a brodie from a high ledge. 2. a complete failure; flop. 3. a severe vehicular skid. 4. a sharp reversal in a vehicle s direction by sudden application of… … Universalium
Brodie (Clan) — Brodie ist der Name eines schottischen Clans in Moray. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft des Namens 2 Geschichte des Clans 3 Chief 4 Clansitz 5 Motto 6 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brodie Castle — is a castle near Forres in the Moray region of Scotland.The original Z plan castle was built in 1567 by Clan Brodie but destroyed by fire in 1645 by Lewis Gordon of Clan Gordon, the 3rd Marquess of Huntly. It was greatly expanded in 1824 by the… … Wikipedia
Brodie Young — is a television personality in Australia and was the only male host of late night interactive quiz show, Quizmania.TelevisionBrodie was first seen on television on Channel Ten s hit reality show Big Brother in 2002 as an intruder. He was voted… … Wikipedia
BRODIE, SIR ISRAEL — (1895–1979), chief rabbi of the British Commonwealth, 1948 to 1965. Brodie was born in Newcastle on Tyne and educated at Jews College, London, and at Oxford. He served in World War I as a Jewish chaplain on the Western Front, and then worked in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism