- brul
- brul·yie;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Florence Kirsch Du Brul — (1915–July 2, 2005) was a concert pianist and master piano teacher and member of Chicago society in the mid 20th century. Born on the North Side of Chicago, Illinois, USA, in 1915, Florence Kirsch as a little girl studied with master pianist… … Wikipedia
E. Lloyd Du Brul — (April 5, 1909 July 24, 1996) was a world renowned anatomist, physical anthropologist and educator, and the developer of the science of biomechanics of the head and neck. Du Brul, along with Harry Sicher, wrote the textbook Sicher s and Du Brul s … Wikipedia
Caroline van den Brul — MBE is an award winning British television documentary producer. Biography Van den Brul worked at the BBC for twenty five years on factual programming including QED , Horizon and Tomorrow s World , and in 2003 she was appointed Creativity Leader… … Wikipedia
Tjorven De Brul — Tjörven De Brul Tjörven De Brul est un footballeur belge né le 22 juin 1973 à Alost. Palmarès saison club pays division matchs buts 1991/1992 KSC Lokeren Belgique … Wikipédia en Français
Tjörven De Brul — Pas d image ? Cliquez ici. Situation actuelle Club actuel KSK Renaix … Wikipédia en Français
Jack Du Brul — Jack DuBrul (sometimes written as Jack Du Brul ) (1968 ) is a New York Times Best Selling Author from Vermont who writes techno thrillers. Born in Burlington, Vermont on October 15, 1968, he remained in Vermont all through his childhood, though… … Wikipedia
Леви-Брюль (Levi-Brul) Л. — (1857 1939) французский философ, психолог, социолог, этнограф. Л. Б. полагал, что людям различных этнических общностей свойственен специфический тип мышления. Он утверждал, что над мышлением отдельных людей довлеют коллективистские представления … Этнопсихологический словарь
brullo — brùl·lo agg. 1. CO arido, privo di vegetazione: terreno brullo | albero brullo, senza foglie Sinonimi: nudo, 2spoglio. Contrari: lussureggiante, rigoglioso, verde. 2. OB mancante, privo di qcs. 3. BU fig., triste, desolato: pensieri brulli 4. OB… … Dizionario italiano
brulyie — brul·yie … English syllables
yie — brul·yie; cun·yie; ful·yie; lun·yie; men·yie; quin·yie; tuil·yie; … English syllables