- brushman
- brush·man
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
brushman — I. mən noun (plural brushmen) Etymology: brush (III) + man 1. : one who uses a brush especially as a vocation: as a. : a worker who assists in cleaning the outside of a building by brushing a previous … Useful english dictionary
hawker — n peddler, huckster, vendor, salesman; pitchman, spieler, concessionaire; traveling salesman, door to door salesman, Fuller Brushman, colporteur; merchant, dealer, pushcart entrepreneur, come on artist, sutler; bargainer, higgler, haggler … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
peddler — n hawker, cheap jack, vendor, huckster, monger, seller, Sl. pusher, salesman, money changer, pedlar, pedler; packman, Inf. faker, Sl. duffer, rag and bone man, junk dealer, butter and egg man, cos termonger, coster, Sl. shmatah salesman, rag… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
broom man — noun : brushman 1c … Useful english dictionary