- burial
- buri·al
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Burial — ist der Künstlername des britischen Dubstep Musikers William Bevan aus London. Seine Musik beinhaltet Elemente aus Dubstep, Two Step, Ambient und House. Als Person blieb der Künstler bis August 2008 anonym, biographische Daten sind kaum bekannt.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Burial — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Burial es el nombre artístico del músico inglés de dubstep William Bevan. Su álbum debut homónimo fue lanzado en 2006 y recibió el apoyo de la crítica, con la revista The Wire nombrándolo disco del año[1] y estando… … Wikipedia Español
Burial — Bur i*al, n. [OE. buriel, buriels, grave, tomb, AS. byrgels, fr. byrgan to bury, and akin to OS. burgisli sepulcher.] 1. A grave; a tomb; a place of sepulture. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The erthe schook, and stoones weren cloven, and biriels weren… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Burial — est le nom de scène d un musicien de dubstep, originaire de Londres. Il commence dans l’anonymat et renonçant à apparaître en photo. Le premier album Burial sort en 2006, et est sacré par le magazine The Wire « album de l année ».… … Wikipédia en Français
burial — [ber′ē əl] n. [ME biriel, false sing. of berieles < OE byrgels, tomb < byrgan,BURY] the act of burying; esp., the burying of a dead body; interment adj. of or connected with burial … English World dictionary
burial — act of burying, late 13c.; earlier tomb (c.1200), false singular from O.E. byrgels tomb, from byrgan to bury + suffix els; a compound also found in O.S. burgisli, suggesting a P.Gmc. *burgisli , from PIE *bhergh to hide, protect (see BURY (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
burial — [n] laying in of dead body burying, deep six*, deposition, entombment, exequies, funeral, inhumation, interment, last rites, obsequies, sepulture; concept 367 … New thesaurus
burial — ► NOUN 1) the burying of a dead body. 2) Archaeology a grave or the remains found in it. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Burial — This article is about human burial practices. For other uses, see Burial (disambiguation). Inhume redirects here. for the band, see Inhume (band). Underwater funeral in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea from an edition with drawings by… … Wikipedia
BURIAL — In the Bible Decent burial was regarded to be of great importance in ancient Israel, as in the rest of the ancient Near East. Not only the Egyptians, whose extravagant provision for the dead is well known, but also the peoples of Mesopotamia… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
burial — /ber ee euhl/, n. 1. the act or ceremony of burying. 2. the place of burying; grave. [1200 50; BURY + AL2; r. ME buriel, back formation from OE byrgels burial place, equiv. to byrg(an) to BURY + els n. suffix; cf. RIDDLE1] * * * Ritual disposal… … Universalium