- camog
- ca·mog
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
camog — kəˈmōg noun ( s) Etymology: Irish Gaelic, from cam crooked, from Old Irish camm Irish : a stick similar to a cammock … Useful english dictionary
Camogie — (in Irish, camógaíocht ) is a Celtic team sport, organised by the Camogie Association of Ireland, the women s variant of hurling. The rules are almost identical to hurling with a few exceptions. One is that goalkeepers wear the same colours as… … Wikipedia
Camogie — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Camogie (en irlandés, camógaíocht) es un deporte de equipo celta organizado por la Asociación de camogie de Irlanda como una variante femenina del hurling. Las reglas son identicas al hurling aunque con algunas… … Wikipedia Español
cammock — ˈkamək noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English cambok, from Medieval Latin cambuca, of Celtic origin; akin to Welsh camog bent stick, Scottish Gaelic camag curl, crook, Old Irish camm crooked more at change 1. Scotland : a curved or crooked stick … Useful english dictionary
camogie — kəˈmōgē noun ( s) Etymology: camog + ie : a team sport similar to hurling played with camogs by women in Ireland … Useful english dictionary
ca|mo|gie — «kuh MOH gee», noun. a game similar to field hockey, played in Ireland. ╂[< Irish Gaelic camóg the stick used in this game, hurley] … Useful english dictionary