

English syllables. 2014.

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  • -ennial — |enēəl, |enyəl adjective combining form Etymology: Middle English eniale, from Middle French ennial, from Latin ennium (as in biennium period of two years) + Middle French al more at biennial : recurring at or marking intervals of (so many) years …   Useful english dictionary

  • centennial — noun Etymology: Latin centum + English ennial (as in biennial) Date: 1876 a 100th anniversary or its celebration • centennial adjective • centennially adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Athletics in Australia — Sport overview country = Australia sport = Athletics (track and field) imagesize = 260px caption = union = Athletics Australia registered = 14,493 (total athletes) first = 1810, Sydney, New South Wales session = Session: 112,524, 2000 Sydney… …   Wikipedia

  • Commonweal Theatre Company — Commonweal Theatre The Commonweal Theatre Company is a professional theatre company in Lanesboro, Minnesota (pop. 788). Established in 1989 by Eric Bunge, Scott Olson and Scott Putman, the company s season runs April to December and comprises six …   Wikipedia

  • centennial — centennially, adv. /sen ten ee euhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to, or marking the completion of, a period of 100 years. 2. pertaining to a 100th anniversary. 3. lasting 100 years. 4. 100 years old. n. 5. a 100th anniversary or its celebration;… …   Universalium

  • quindecennial — /kwin di sen ee euhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a period of 15 years or the 15th occurrence of a series, as an anniversary. n. 2. a 15th anniversary. [ < L quindec(im) fifteen + ennial (as in DECENNIAL)] * * * …   Universalium

  • Scheler, Max — (1874 1928)    philosopher; a brilliant phenomenologist, deemed the equal of Edmund Husserl* and Martin Heidegger* by contempo raries. He was born in Munich. His mother was Jewish, while his father, who had managed the estates of the Duke of Saxe …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • centennial — cen•ten•ni•al [[t]sɛnˈtɛn i əl[/t]] adj. 1) pertaining to or marking the completion of a period of 100 years 2) pertaining to a 100th anniversary 3) lasting 100 years 4) 100 years old 5) a 100th anniversary or its celebration • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

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