- carlylese
- car·lyl·ese
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
carlylese — (|)kärˌlī|lēz, ȧˌl , ēs, kärˈlīˌl , kȧˈl ; kə(r)|lī|l noun Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Thomas Carlyle + English ese : Carlylean use of language often used of style imitative of Carlyle s literary excesses * * * Carlylese /kär līl ēzˈ/ … Useful english dictionary
John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton — The Right Honourable The Lord Acton KCVO, DL Member of Parliament for Bridgnorth In off … Wikipedia
phrase — phrase, idiom, expression, locution mean a group of words which, taken together, express a notion and may be used as a part of a sentence. Phrase may apply to a group of words which for one reason or another recurs frequently (as in the language… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
-ese — [ēz, ēs] [OFr eis, It ese < L ensis] suffix 1. forming adjectives a) of a country or place [Javanese] b) in the language or dialect of [Cantonese] c) in the style of [Carlylese] 2. fo … English World dictionary
Carlylesque — Carlylesqueˈ or Carlylˈean adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑Carlylese … Useful english dictionary