- cartobibliography
- car·to·bib·li·og·ra·phy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cartobibliography — /ˌkatoʊbɪbliˈɒgrəfi/ (say .kahtohbiblee ogruhfee) noun 1. the cataloguing of maps. 2. such a catalogue. {carto(graphy) + bibliography} –cartobibliographical /ˌkatoʊbɪbliəˈgræfɪkəl/ (say .kahtohbibleeuh grafikuhl), adjective …
cartobibliography — |kärd.ō noun ( es) Etymology: carto (as in cartography) + bibliography : a history or description of printed maps … Useful english dictionary
Iran naming dispute — Iran has been the subject of a naming dispute in common Western usage. The two possible names for this country are Iran and Persia; their adjectives being Iranian and Persian, respectively.Etymology of PersiaThe Greeks (who tended earlier to use… … Wikipedia
Name of Iran — Contents 1 Etymology of Iran 2 Etymology of Persia 3 The two names in the West … Wikipedia