con|ceiv´a|bly — con|ceiv|a|ble «kuhn SEE vuh buhl», adjective. that can be thought of; imaginable: »We take every conceivable precaution against fire. –con|ceiv´a|ble|ness, noun. –con|ceiv´a|bly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
con|ceiv´a|ble|ness — con|ceiv|a|ble «kuhn SEE vuh buhl», adjective. that can be thought of; imaginable: »We take every conceivable precaution against fire. –con|ceiv´a|ble|ness, noun. –con|ceiv´a|bly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
con|ceiv|a|ble — «kuhn SEE vuh buhl», adjective. that can be thought of; imaginable: »We take every conceivable precaution against fire. –con|ceiv´a|ble|ness, noun. –con|ceiv´a|bly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
in´con|ceiv´a|bly — in|con|ceiv|a|ble «IHN kuhn SEE vuh buhl», adjective. 1. impossible to imagine; unthinkable: »A circle without a center is inconceivable. SYNONYM(S): unimaginable. 2. hard to believe; incredible: »It is inconceivable that two nations so friendly… … Useful english dictionary
in´con|ceiv´a|ble|ness — in|con|ceiv|a|ble «IHN kuhn SEE vuh buhl», adjective. 1. impossible to imagine; unthinkable: »A circle without a center is inconceivable. SYNONYM(S): unimaginable. 2. hard to believe; incredible: »It is inconceivable that two nations so friendly… … Useful english dictionary
in|con|ceiv|a|ble — «IHN kuhn SEE vuh buhl», adjective. 1. impossible to imagine; unthinkable: »A circle without a center is inconceivable. SYNONYM(S): unimaginable. 2. hard to believe; incredible: »It is inconceivable that two nations so friendly for centuries… … Useful english dictionary
con|ceiv´er — con|ceive «kuhn SEEV», verb, ceived, ceiv|ing. –v.t. 1. to form in the mind; think up: »The Wright brothers conceived the design of the first successful motor powered plane. SYNONYM(S): plan, devise, formulate. 2. to form (an opinion); think.… … Useful english dictionary
de|ceiv´a|ble|ness — de|ceiv|a|ble «dih SEE vuh buhl», adjective. 1. that can be deceived. 2. Archaic. deceitful; deceptive. –de|ceiv´a|ble|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
de|ceiv|a|ble — «dih SEE vuh buhl», adjective. 1. that can be deceived. 2. Archaic. deceitful; deceptive. –de|ceiv´a|ble|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
mis´con|ceiv´er — mis|con|ceive «MIHS kuhn SEEV», transitive verb, intransitive verb, ceived, ceiv|ing. to have wrong ideas about; misunderstand: »Things which, for want of due consideration…they misconceived (Richard Hooker). –mis´con|ceiv´er, noun … Useful english dictionary