- cembal
- cem·bal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Cembal d'amour — (franz., spr. ßangball damūr), eine von Gottfried Silbermann konstruierte Art des Clavicembalo mit Saiten von doppelter Länge, die genau in der Mitte durch einen Steg geteilt wurden, so daß beide Hälften denselben Ton gaben (leicht bebend) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
cembal d'amore — ˈchemˌbäldəˈmōrē, ˈchām noun (plural cembali d amore bə(ˌ)lēdə ) Etymology: Italian, literally, clavichord of love : a clavichord with double length strings … Useful english dictionary
CEMBAL D'AMOUR — (франц.), изобретенный Г. Зильберманом вид клавицимбала со струнами двойной длины, которые по середине были разделены подставкой, так что обе половины давали один и тот же тон (слегка дрожащий). Струны отодвигались при помощи тангентов на… … Музыкальный словарь Римана
Mordecai Shehori — Mordecai Shehori, pianist Mordecai Shehori is an Israeli American pianist. Contents 1 Biography 2 … Wikipedia
Emanuel Feuermann — (November 22, 1902, Kolomyia, Austro Hungarian Empire ndash; May 25, 1942, New York City) was a celebrated American cellist.BiographyBoth of Feuermann s parents were amateur musicians. Feuermann s father, who played the violin and cello, was his… … Wikipedia
Joseph Schuster — (1903 ndash;1969) was born in Constantinople of Russian descent. On a trip through Russia, the famous Russian composer Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865 1936) heard young Schuster and was impressed with his talent. With Glazunov s help,… … Wikipedia
Hieronymus Albrecht Hass — (variants Haas, Hasse, Hase, Hasch) (1 Dec 1689 19 June 1752) (dates of baptism and burial) was a German harpsichord and clavichord maker. He is the father of Johann Adolph Hass, who also made harpsichords and clavichords.He received Hamburg… … Wikipedia
Johann Adolph Hass — Johann Adolph Rudolph Hass (variants: Johan, Haas, Hasse, Hase, Hasch) (12 March 1713 29 May 1771) (dates of baptism and burial) was a German clavichord and harpsichord maker, the son of Hieronymus Albrecht Hass, who was also a clavier maker.He… … Wikipedia
Los Angeles Philharmonic discography — This is a complete list of recordings by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, shown alphabetically by conductor, and then by recording label. [cite web|url=http://www.laphil.com/press/press kits/wdch pk 2008/wdch 0809 discography.pdf|title=Discography… … Wikipedia
Werke für Laute (Bach) — Obwohl das Lautenwerk von Johann Sebastian Bach mit sieben Werken für Laute solo sehr überschaubar ist, nimmt es in der Welt der Lautenkompositionen und entsprechend in der des heutigen Gitarrenrepertoires einen übergeordneten Platz ein. Sie… … Deutsch Wikipedia