- characterology
- char·ac·ter·ol·o·gy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Characterology — (from Greek χαρακτήρ character and λογία, logia) is a method of character reading that attempted to combine revised physiognomy, reconstructed phrenology and amplified pathognomy, with ethnology, sociology and anthropology. Developed by L.… … Wikipedia
characterology — noun The study or attempted deduction of character in individuals … Wiktionary
characterology — char·ac·ter·ol·o·gy tə räl ə jē n, pl gies the study of character including its development and its differences in different individuals char·ac·ter·ol·o·gist jəst n * * * char·ac·ter·ol·o·gy (kar″ak tər olґə je) the study of… … Medical dictionary
characterology — study of development of character Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
characterology — n. science of character (development, types, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
characterology — /kærəktəˈrɒlədʒi/ (say karuhktuh roluhjee) noun Psychology the study of character, especially as a means of assessing the mental state of an individual. –characterologist, noun –characterological, adjective –characterologically, adverb …
characterology — jē noun ( es) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary character (I) + o + logy; originally formed as German charakterologie : the study of character including its development and its differences in different individuals … Useful english dictionary
Vladimir Dvorniković — (born in Severin na Kupi, Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia, Austria Hungary on 28 July 1888 – died in Belgrade, People s Republic of Serbia Yugoslavia on 1956), was a Croatian and Yugoslav philosopher, ethno psychologist, and a strong proponent of … Wikipedia
Julius Bahnsen — Dr. Julius Friedrich August Bahnsen (March 30, 1830 ndash; December 7, 1881) was a German philosopher. Bahnsen is usually considered the originator of characterology and a real dialectical method of philosophical reflection which he laid down in… … Wikipedia
Phrenology — (from Greek: φρήν, phrēn , mind ; and λόγος, logos , knowledge ) is a defunct field of study, once considered a science, by which the personality traits of a person were determined by reading bumps and fissures in the skull. Developed by German… … Wikipedia