

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Cheeseparing — Cheese par ing, n. A thin portion of the rind of a cheese. a. Scrimping; mean; as, cheeseparing economy. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cheeseparing — *stingy, close, closefisted, tight, tight fisted, niggardly, penny pinching, parsimonious, penurious, miserly …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • cheeseparing — [chēz′per′iŋ] n. 1. anything as worthless as a paring of cheese rind 2. miserly handling of money or finances adj. stingy; miserly …   English World dictionary

  • cheeseparing — noun Date: 1597 1. something worthless or insignificant 2. miserly economizing • cheeseparing adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cheeseparing — adjective giving or spending with reluctance our cheeseparing administration very close (or near) with his money a penny pinching miserly old man • Syn: ↑close, ↑near, ↑penny pinching, ↑skinny …   Useful english dictionary

  • cheeseparing — cheeseparer, n. /cheez pair ing/, adj. 1. meanly economical; parsimonious. n. 2. something of little or no value. 3. niggardly economy. [1590 1600; CHEESE1 + PARING] * * * …   Universalium

  • cheeseparing — adjective niggardly, stingy …   Wiktionary

  • cheeseparing — Synonyms and related words: Scotch, canny, careful, chary, cheap, chinchy, chintzy, close, closefisted, conserving, cooling, cooling down, cooling off, curtailment, cutback, economic, economization, economizing, economy, economy of assumption,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cheeseparing — n. miserliness, stinginess …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cheeseparing — UK [ˈtʃiːzˌpeərɪŋ] / US [ˈtʃɪzˌperɪŋ] noun [uncountable] British the behaviour of someone who tries to save money in an unreasonable way …   English dictionary

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