- chipewyan
- chip·e·wy·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Chipewyan — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los chippewyan o Dene Suline son una tribu india Na dené del grupo atabascano, también llamados chpewya. Este nombre proviene del cree Chepau wayanuk “pieles puntiagudas”, pero ellos se autodenominan Saw cssaw dineh… … Wikipedia Español
Chipewyan — or Chipewayan [chip′əwā′ənchip΄ə wī′ən] n. [Cree ochiipwayaaniiw, lit., one who has pointed skins or hides: prob. in allusion to the Chipewyans style of hunting shirts] 1. a member of a North American Indian people of NW Canada 2. the Athabaskan… … English World dictionary
Chipewyan — Die Chipewyan (engl. Aussprache: ‘Chip uh WHY an’), Denesuline (auch Denésoliné, Dënesųłiné ‘Volk des kargen, öden Landes’, sprich ‘Den a sooth leh na’ in Chipewyan, engl: Aussprache: ‘Dene su lee neh’)[1] oder einfach Dene (sprich: ‘den ay’)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chipewyan — The Chipewyan ( Denésoliné or Dënesųłiné ) are a Dene Aboriginal people in Canada, whose ancestors were the Taltheilei. There are approximately 11,000 Chipewyan living in the Canadian Arctic regions around Hudson Bay, including Manitoba and the… … Wikipedia
Chipewyan — /chip euh wuy euhn/, n., pl. Chipewyans, (esp. collectively) Chipewyan for 1. 1. a member of a North American Indian tribe that inhabits northwestern Canada between Hudson Bay and the Rocky Mountains. 2. the Athabaskan language spoken by the… … Universalium
Chipewyan — Tchipewyans Les Tchipewyans en français ou Chipewyans sont un peuple indigène du Canada. Ils vivent dans les régions arctiques autour de la Baie d Hudson, incluant le Manitoba, les Territoires du Nord Ouest, et Nunavut. Le groupe habite également … Wikipédia en Français
Chipewyan — n. Native American people comprising of numerous independent bands who live in a large area of north west Canada; member of this people n. Athabaskan language spoken by the Chipewyan people … English contemporary dictionary
Chipewyan — [ˌtʃɪpə wʌɪən] noun (plural same or Chipewyans) 1》 a member of a Dene people of NW Canada. Compare with Chippewa. 2》 the Athabaskan language of the Chipewyan. Origin from Cree, lit. (wearing) pointed skin (garments) … English new terms dictionary
Chipewyan — Chip•e•wy•an [[t]ˌtʃɪp əˈwaɪ ən[/t]] n. pl. ans, (esp. collectively) an. 1) peo a member of an American Indian people of subarctic Canada, living in scattered communities from Hudson Bay W to Great Slave Lake and NE Alberta 2) peo the Athabaskan… … From formal English to slang
Chipewyan — noun 1. a member of the Athapaskan people living in western Canada between Great Slave Lake and Hudson Bay • Hypernyms: ↑Athapaskan, ↑Athapascan, ↑Athabaskan, ↑Athabascan 2. the language spoken by the Chipewyan • Syn: ↑Chippewyan, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Chipewyan (Langue) — Chipewyan Parlée au Canada Région Alberta … Wikipédia en Français