- choanate
- cho·a·nate
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
choanate — I. ˌnāt adjective Etymology: choan + ate : having a choana; specifically : having internal nares compare choanichthyes II. noun ( s) : a choanate fish : one of the Choanichthyes … Useful english dictionary
choanate — Having a funnel, i.e., with a ring or collar … Medical dictionary
Prehistoric fish — are various groups of fishes that lived before recorded history. A few, such as the coelacanth still exist today and are considered living fossils.The first fish and the first vertebrates, were the ostracoderms, which appeared in the Cambrian… … Wikipedia
choan- — combining form or choano Etymology: New Latin, from Greek choanē funnel, from chein to pour more at found : funnel : funnel shaped opening or part choanate … Useful english dictionary
choanophorous — |kōə|näf(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: choan + phorous : choanate … Useful english dictionary