- chondrococcus
- chon·dro·coc·cus
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
chondrococcus — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈkäkəs noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from chondr + coccus : a genus of chiefly soil inhabiting and dung inhabiting myxobacteria including one (C. columnaris) causing columnaris disease of trout and salmon … Useful english dictionary
Порядок миксобактерии (Myxobacteriales) — К этому порядку относят грамотрицательных бактерий, вегетативные клетки которых обладают большой гибкостью и способны к скользящему движению в слизи, продуцируемой ими в большом количестве. Клетки имеют палочковидную или веретенообразную… … Биологическая энциклопедия
Columnaris — in a Chinook salmon Columnaris is a symptom of disease in fish which results from an infection caused by the gram negative, aerobic, rod shaped bacterium Flavobacterium columnare. It was previously known by the names of bacillus columnaris,… … Wikipedia
Coccochondra — Coccochondra … Wikipedia Español
organohalogen compound — Introduction any of a class of organic compounds (organic compound) that contain at least one halogen (halogen element) ( fluorine [F], chlorine [Cl], bromine [Br], or iodine [I]) bonded to carbon. They are subdivided into alkyl, vinylic, aryl,… … Universalium
Some common diseases of fish — ▪ Table Some common diseases of fish name(s) of disease causative agent nature of disease mouth fungus (cotton wool disease) bacterium (Chondrococcus columnaris) funguslike disease inaccurately named, since causative agent is a bacterium; a… … Universalium
Maulschimmel — Maulschimmel, Columnaris Krankheit, durch das Myxobakterium Chondrococcus columnaris verursachte Fischkrankheit, häufig bei verletzten Warmwasserfischen in Aquarien; grauweiße, watteähnliche Bakterienkolonien besonders im Maulbereich; Kiemen… … Universal-Lexikon