- Cibacron
- Ci·ba·cron
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Cibacron — ˈsēbəˌkrän trademark used for any of several fiber reactive dyes; see dye table I … Useful english dictionary
Chromatographie d'adsorption — La chromatographie d adsorption est une technique de chromatographie qui permet de séparer les constituants d’un mélange par entrainement d analytes au moyen d’une phase mobile qui peut être liquide ou gazeuse le long d’une phase stationnaire… … Wikipédia en Français
Dye — For other uses, see Dye (disambiguation). Yarn drying after being dyed in the early American tradition, at Conner Prairie living history museum. A dye is a colored substance that has an affinity to the substrate to which it … Wikipedia
Farbstoff — Als Farbstoff werden chemische Verbindungen bezeichnet, die die Eigenschaft haben, andere Materialien zu färben. Sammelbezeichnung für alle farbgebenden Stoffe gemäß DIN 55934 dagegen ist der Begriff Farbmittel, wobei Farbstoffe als solche nun… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ciba Specialty Chemicals — Тип Акционерное общество Листинг на бирже … Википедия
Ciba — AG Тип Акционерно … Википедия
dye — dyable, dyeable, adj. dyer, n. /duy/, n., v., dyed, dyeing. n. 1. a coloring material or matter. 2. a liquid containing coloring matter, for imparting a particular hue to cloth, paper, etc. 3. color or hue, esp. as produced by dyeing. 4. of the… … Universalium
dextran — 1. Any of several water soluble high molecular weight glucose polymers (average MW 75,000; ranging between 1,000 and 40,000,000) produced by the action of members of the family Lactobacillaceae and certain other microorganisms on sucrose; used in … Medical dictionary