- clairvoyant
- clair·voy·ant
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
clairvoyant — clairvoyant, ante [ klɛrvwajɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • clerveant 1265; de clair et voyant 1 ♦ Vx Qui voit clair (opposé à aveugle).⇒ voyant. N. « l aveugle saisit le bras du clairvoyant » (Jules Verne). 2 ♦ Mod. Qui a de la clairvoyance … Encyclopédie Universelle
clairvoyant — clairvoyant, ante (klêr vo ian, ian t ; plusieurs disent klêr voi ian, ian t ) adj. 1° Qui voit clair ; dont la vue est bonne. Substantivement. C est un clairvoyant qui est directeur de l Institution des aveugles. La dame à qui nous venons… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
clairvoyant — CLAIRVOYANT, ANTE. adject. Intelligent, éclairé, et pénétrant dans les affaires. C est un homme fort clairvoyant. Il a l esprit clairvoyant. Vous ne le tromperez pas, il est trop clairvoyant. C est une femme habile etclairvoyante. Ce mot ne se… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
clairvoyant — [adj] intuitive, psychic clear sighted, discerning, extrasensory, farseeing, far sighted, fey, judicious, long sighted, new age*, oracular, penetrating, perceptive, prescient, prophetic, second sighted, sibylline, spiritualistic, telepathic,… … New thesaurus
clairvoyant — [kler voi′ənt] adj. [Fr, lit., seeing clearly < clair, clear + voyant, seeing, prp. of voir < L videre, to see: see WISE1] 1. of clairvoyance 2. apparently having clairvoyance 3. having great insight; keenly perceptive n. a clairvoyant… … English World dictionary
Clairvoyant — Clair*voy ant, a. [F., fr. clair clear + voyant, p. pr. of voir to see. See {Clear}, and {Vision}.] Pertaining to clairvoyance; discerning objects while in a mesmeric state which are not present to the senses. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clairvoyant — Clair*voy ant n. One who is able, when in a mesmeric state, to discern objects not present to the senses. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clairvoyant — index prophetic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
clairvoyant — ► NOUN ▪ a person claiming to have clairvoyance. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having clairvoyance … English terms dictionary
clairvoyant — {{11}}clairvoyant (adj.) having psychic gifts, 1847 (in CLAIRVOYANCE (Cf. clairvoyance)), earlier having insight (1670s), from Fr. clairvoyant seeing clearly (13c.), from clair (see CLEAR (Cf. clear)) + voyant seeing, prp. of voir, from L. videre … Etymology dictionary
clairvoyant — [[t]kle͟ə(r)vɔ͟ɪ͟ənt[/t]] clairvoyants 1) ADJ Someone who is believed to be clairvoyant is believed to know about future events or to be able to communicate with dead people. ...clairvoyant powers. Derived words: clairvoyance N UNCOUNT ...his… … English dictionary