

English syllables. 2014.

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  • cleidoic — clei·do·ic klī dō ik adj of an egg enclosed in a relatively impervious shell which reduces free exchange with the environment <the eggs of birds are cleidoic> * * * clei·do·ic (kli doґik) [Gr. kleidouchos holding the keys] isolated from the …   Medical dictionary

  • cleidoic — (ˈ)klī|dōik adjective Etymology: Greek kleidoun to fasten, lock in (from kleid , kleis key, bolt) + English ic of an egg : cut off or isolated from free exchange with the environment by reason of a more or less impervious shell the eggs of birds… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cleidoic — adjective Etymology: Greek kleidoun to fasten, lock in, from kleid , kleis key more at clavicle Date: 1931 of an egg enclosed in a relatively impervious shell which reduces free exchange with the environment …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cleidoic — said of an ovum containing enough nutritive material for the production of a complete embryo …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • cleidoic — adj. [Gr. kleis, bar; oion, egg] Pertaining to an egg enclosed within a shell or membrane that is permeable only to gasses …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • cleidoic — /kluy doh ik/, adj. Embryol. isolated from the environment, as certain eggs enclosed within a shell or membrane. [1930 35; < Gk kleido(ûn) to lock up (v. deriv. of kleís (gen. kleidós) bolt, key) + IC] * * * …   Universalium

  • cleidoic — /klaɪˈdoʊɪk/ (say kluy dohik) adjective closed up; totally encased in a shell or membrane. {Greek kleido(ein) lock up + ic} …  

  • cleidoic egg — an egg (such as that of a reptile, bird, or primitive mammal) that has within itself enough nutritive material for production of a complete embryo, needing to absorb nothing from its environment except oxygen. Except for oxygen intake, it can… …   Medical dictionary

  • animal development — Introduction  the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived from one or more parent individuals. Development thus occurs following the process by which a new generation of organisms is produced by …   Universalium

  • I before E except after C — I before e, except after c is a mnemonic device used to help many students remember how to spell certain words in the English language. It means that, in words where i and e fall together, the order is ie , except directly following c , when it… …   Wikipedia

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