- clippety-clop
- clip·pe·ty-clop
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
clippety-clop — noun the sound of a horse s hoofs hitting on a hard surface • Syn: ↑clip clop, ↑clop, ↑clopping, ↑clunking, ↑clumping • Hypernyms: ↑sound … Useful english dictionary
clippety-clop — /klip i tee klop /, n. the sound struck by the hoofs of a horse trotting on pavement, or any staccato, rhythmic sound resembling it. Also, clip clop. [1925 30; imit.] * * * … Universalium
clip-clop — /klip klop /, n. clippety clop. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
Horsey Horsey — Horsey, horsey is a nursery rhyme.:Horsey, horsey don t you stop:let your feet go clippety clop, :So when your tail goes swish:and your wheels go round,:giddy up, we re homeward bound.:Horsey horsey on your way:We’ve got a journey of many a… … Wikipedia
clopping — noun the sound of a horse s hoofs hitting on a hard surface • Syn: ↑clip clop, ↑clippety clop, ↑clop, ↑clunking, ↑clumping • Hypernyms: ↑sound … Useful english dictionary
clumping — noun the sound of a horse s hoofs hitting on a hard surface • Syn: ↑clip clop, ↑clippety clop, ↑clop, ↑clopping, ↑clunking • Hypernyms: ↑sound * * * clumpˈing adjective ( … Useful english dictionary
clunking — noun the sound of a horse s hoofs hitting on a hard surface • Syn: ↑clip clop, ↑clippety clop, ↑clop, ↑clopping, ↑clumping • Hypernyms: ↑sound … Useful english dictionary
step — n 1. footstep, stride, pace, military pace. 2. footfall, tread, tramp, pad; clip clop, clippety clop, hoofbeat. 3. footprint, footmark, print, track; trail, spoor, vestige, imprint. 4. gait, walk, bearing, carriage; shuffle, hobble; mincing step; … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder