- clotheshorse
- clothes·horse
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Clotheshorse — Clothes horse (kl[=o]z h[^o]rs ), n. 1. A frame to hang clothes on. [1913 Webster] 2. a person who is conspicuous for dressing fashionably, especially one who spends much time or money to acquire clothing. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clotheshorse — [klōthz′hôrs΄, klōz′hôrs΄] n. 1. a frame on which to hang clothes, etc. for airing or drying 2. Slang a person who pays too much attention to clothes and new fashions … English World dictionary
Clotheshorse — This article is about a type of clothes rack. For a dandified dresser, see fop. A clothes horse A clotheshorse or clothes horse, sometimes called a clothes rack, drying horse, winterdyke,[1] clothes maiden, drying rack, or airer, refers to a… … Wikipedia
clotheshorse — [“klozhors] n. someone who is obsessed with clothing and looking good in it. □ Her brother is the real clotheshorse. □ Mary is such a clothes horse! Look at her now … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
clotheshorse — noun Date: 1775 1. a frame on which to hang clothes 2. a conspicuously dressy person … New Collegiate Dictionary
clotheshorse — /klohz hawrs , klohdhz /, n. 1. Informal. a person whose chief interest and pleasure is dressing fashionably. 2. a frame on which to hang wet laundry for drying. [1765 75; CLOTHES + HORSE] * * * … Universalium
clotheshorse — noun a) A frame on which laundry is hung to dry. b) A person excessively concerned with the appearance of their clothing … Wiktionary
clotheshorse — Synonyms and related words: Beau Brummel, arbiter of fashion, beau, blade, blood, boulevardier, buck, clubman, clubwoman, coxcomb, dandy, deb, debutante, dude, exquisite, fashion plate, fashionable, fine gentleman, fop, fribble, gallant, horse,… … Moby Thesaurus
clotheshorse — clothes|horse [ klouðz,hɔrs ] noun count 1. ) INFORMAL someone who always wears fashionable clothes and owns a lot of them 2. ) a frame of plastic or wooden bars on which you hang wet clothes so that they can dry inside your house … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
clotheshorse — n. frame on which to hang clothing; person whose main interest is in clothes and dressing fashionably … English contemporary dictionary
clotheshorse (C) — 1 BrE a frame on which you hang clothes to dry indoors 2 AmE informal someone who thinks too much about clothes and who likes to have many different clothes … Longman dictionary of contemporary English