- colloidize
- col·loid·ize
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
colloidize — ˌdīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: colloid (II) + ize : to change into a colloid : colloid … Useful english dictionary
beat up — Synonyms and related words: agitate, all in, batter, battered, beat, beat up, beaten, beaten up, bedraggled, blowzy, bone weary, broken down, bruise, bushed, careless, chintzy, churn, churn up, clabber, clot, coagulate, colloid, colloidize,… … Moby Thesaurus
churn — Synonyms and related words: agitate, agitation, agitator, beat, beat up, beater, blender, bluster, bobbery, boil, boiling, brouhaha, bubble, bustle, cement mixer, churn up, clabber, clot, coagulate, colloid, colloidize, commotion, conturbation,… … Moby Thesaurus
clabber — Synonyms and related words: Devonshire cream, albumen, batter, beat up, blood clot, bonnyclabber, butter, cake, casein, churn, clot, clotted cream, clump, cluster, coagulate, coagulum, colloid, colloidize, concrete, congeal, cornstarch,… … Moby Thesaurus
clot — Synonyms and related words: Devonshire cream, adhere, agglomerate, agglomeration, ament, array, assemble, batch, battery, beat up, blockhead, blood clot, blunderer, blunderhead, body, bonnyclabber, boor, born fool, botcher, breccia, bumbler,… … Moby Thesaurus
coagulate — Synonyms and related words: Devonshire cream, adhere, agglomerate, beat up, blood clot, bonnyclabber, bunch, cake, casein, churn, clabber, clasp, cleave, clinch, cling, cling to, clot, clotted cream, clump, cluster, coagulum, coalesce, cohere,… … Moby Thesaurus
cream — Synonyms and related words: abstergent, aerate, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, albumen, aristocracy, aureate, auric, balm, balsam, barons, batter, beat, beat up, beige, blank, blast, bonnyclabber, bowl down, brilliantine, buff, buff yellow,… … Moby Thesaurus
curdle — Synonyms and related words: beat up, cake, churn, clabber, clot, clump, cluster, coagulate, colloid, colloidize, concrete, condense, congeal, cream, curd, emulsify, emulsionize, ferment, gel, gelatinate, gelatinize, go off, incrassate, inspissate … Moby Thesaurus
emulsify — Synonyms and related words: admix, alloy, amalgamate, beat up, bemingle, blend, churn, clabber, clot, coagulate, coalesce, colloid, colloidize, combine, commingle, commix, compose, compound, concoct, conglomerate, cream, curdle, emulsionize, fuse … Moby Thesaurus
incrassate — Synonyms and related words: beat up, bloated, blown up, cake, caked, cakey, churn, clabber, clabbered, clot, clotted, clump, cluster, coagulate, coagulated, colloid, colloidize, concrete, congeal, congealed, cream, curd, curded, curdle, curdled,… … Moby Thesaurus