- communistically
- com·mu·nis·ti·cal·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
communistically — adverb see communist … New Collegiate Dictionary
communistically — See communistic. * * * … Universalium
communistically — adverb In a communistic manner … Wiktionary
communistically — adv. in a communistic manner, via communism, according to communism … English contemporary dictionary
communistically — adverb see communistic … Useful english dictionary
communist — noun Date: 1840 1. an adherent or advocate of communism 2. capitalized communard 3. a. capitalized a member of a Communist party or movement b. often capitalized an adhe … New Collegiate Dictionary
Philosophy of Max Stirner — The philosophy of Max Stirner is credited as an influence on the development of nihilism, existentialism, post modernism and anarchism, especially of individualist anarchism and postanarchism. Stirner s main philosophical work was The Ego and Its … Wikipedia
communist — communistic, communistical, adj. communistically, adv. /kom yeuh nist/, n. 1. (cap.) a member of the Communist party or movement. 2. an advocate of communism. 3. a person who is regarded as supporting politically leftist or subversive causes. 4.… … Universalium
communistic — /kɒmjəˈnɪstɪk/ (say komyuh nistik) adjective 1. communist. 2. tending towards or sympathising with communism. –communistically, adverb …
communist — [käm′yo͞onist, käm′yənist] n. [Fr communiste] 1. an advocate or supporter of communism 2. [C ] a) a member of a Communist Party b) loosely a Communard 3. loosely anyone advocating ideas thought of as being leftist or subversive adj … English World dictionary