

English syllables. 2014.

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  • AELURUS — I. AELURUS Pseudepiscopus Alexandrinus. II. AELURUS sive Felis, ab Aegyptiis cutus, teste Herodotô Euterpe: qui addit, mortuum domi, solitum saliri atque ita Bubastim deferri, ut sacra in urbe sepeliretur. De cultura quoque testis Cicer. de Legg …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • Timothy Aelurus — (d. 477)    Patriarch and Saint.    Timothy became Patriarch of Alexandria in Egypt in 457. His name, ‘Aelurus’, means weasel like and may refer to his small stature. He was a Monophysite and, because he was unacceptable to many Bishops, he was… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Панда — (Aelurus или Ailurus fulgens; см. Медведевые, табл. II, фиг. 3) хищное животное, из груп. Arctoidea (см. Плотоядные), которое одними относится к семейству Медведевых, другими выделяется вместе с енотом в особое семейство енотовых. П. единственный …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • List of Patriarchs of Alexandria — Part of a series on Eastern Christianity …   Wikipedia

  • Pope Peter III of Alexandria — (died 490), also known as Mongus (from Greek moggos , stammerer ), was Coptic Pope from 477 until his death and after 482 also recognized as Patriarch of Alexandria by the Eastern Orthodox Church. Biography After the Council of Chalcedon, Peter… …   Wikipedia

  • Basiliscus — Infobox Emperor | name =Basiliscus title =Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire full name =Flavius Basiliscus caption=Solidus celebrating Basiliscus as Augustus of the Byzantine Empire and his victories. reign =9 January 475 ndash; August 476… …   Wikipedia

  • Patriarch Timothy III of Alexandria — (died 481), also known as Salophakiolos was Patriarch of Alexandria from 460 until his death (with an intermission between 475 and 477). He was an adherent of the Council of Chalcedon and opponent of Monophysitism.In 460 the Emperor expelled the… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste der Patriarchen von Alexandria — Die Liste umfasst die Patriarchen von Alexandria bis zur Kirchenspaltung nach dem Konzil von Chalcedon. Die Liste der koptischen Päpste und die Liste der orthodoxen Patriarchen von Alexandria setzen diese Liste fort. Marcus I., der Evangelist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Proterius, S. (1) — 1S. Proterius. Patriarcha Alex. (28. Febr.) Dieser hl. Patriarch gehört zu den eifrigsten Vertheidigern des kathol. Glaubens gegen die Eutychianer in der zweiten Hälfte des 5. Jahrh. Seine Jugendgeschichte ist unbekannt, aber es besteht die… …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

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