- conversus
- con·ver·sus
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
conversus — index inverse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Conversus — [lay brother]. A lay member of a monastery who entered late in life, perhaps with a *corrody. They were so named for being converted from the secular world. They were often illiterate and not permitted to become monks; monks from wealthier… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
conversus — /keuhn verr seuhs/, n., pl. conversi / suy, see/. Eccles. a lay brother. [ < L, ptp. of convertere to CONVERT1; see CONVERSE2] * * * … Universalium
conversus — … Useful english dictionary
Galeodes conversus — Galeodes conversus Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español
CONVERS — Le terme actuel de convers vient du latin conversus , qui désignait, dans le langage chrétien, quelqu’un qui change pour revenir à Dieu après avoir vécu dans l’hérésie, dans le paganisme ou dans l’indifférence, mais aussi le chrétien fidèle qui… … Encyclopédie Universelle
convers — CONVÉRS, Ă, converşi, se, adj. (Despre judecăţi, raţionamente) Al cărui subiect poate fi transformat în atribut sau invers, fără a schimba sensul judecăţii sau a altera adevărul ei. – Din fr. converse, lat. conversus. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 30.05 … Dicționar Român
Oblate (religion) — An oblate in Christian monasticism (especially Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican) is a person who is specifically dedicated to God or to God s service. Currently, oblate has two meanings: *Oblates are laypersons or clerical members of a… … Wikipedia
Oblati — Oblati † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Oblati Oblati (Oblatæ, Oblates) is a word used to describe any persons, not professed monks or friars, who have been offered to God, or have dedicated themselves to His service, in holy religion. It… … Catholic encyclopedia
Oblate — For the geometrical concept, see Oblate spheroid. Contents 1 Origins and history 2 Oblates today 2.1 Secular oblates … Wikipedia