- cooingly
- coo·ing·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cooingly — adjective In a cooing way … Wiktionary
cooingly — adverb see cooing * * * cooˈingly adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑coo … Useful english dictionary
coo — coo1 cooer, n. cooingly, adv. /kooh/, v., cooed, cooing, n. v.i. 1. to utter or imitate the soft, murmuring sound characteristic of doves. 2. to murmur or talk fondly or amorously. v.t. 3. to utter by cooing. n. 4. a cooing sound. [ … Universalium
coo — [c]/ku / (say kooh) verb (cooed, cooing) –verb (i) 1. to utter the soft, murmuring sound characteristic of pigeons or doves, or a similar sound. 2. to murmur or talk fondly or amorously. –verb (t) 3. to utter by cooing. –noun 4. a cooing sound.… …
coo — coo1 [ko͞o] vi. [echoic] 1. to make the soft, murmuring sound of pigeons or doves, or a sound like this 2. to speak gently and lovingly: see BILL2 (vi. 2) vt. to express gently and lovingly; utter with a coo n. the sound made in cooing cooingly … English World dictionary
coo — n., v., & int. n. a soft murmuring sound like that of a dove or pigeon. v. (coos, cooed) 1 intr. make the sound of a coo. 2 intr. & tr. talk or say in a soft or amorous voice. int. Brit. sl. expressing surprise or incredulity. Derivatives:… … Useful english dictionary