- aerographer
- aer·og·ra·pher
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Aerographer — A [ e]r*og ra*pher, n. One versed in a[ e]ography: an a[ e]rologist. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aerographer's Mate — Infobox Military rating name=Aerographer s Mate caption=insignia type=Enlisted Rating issued by=United States Navy abbreviation=AG specialty=AviationAerographer s Mate (abbreviated as AG) is a United States Navy occupational… … Wikipedia
aerographer's mate — noun : a petty officer in the United States Navy assisting or performing the duties of the aerographer … Useful english dictionary
aerographer — I. ̷ ̷( ̷ ̷)ˈ ̷ ̷grəfə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: aer + grapher : one that sprays with an airbrush II. noun ( s) Etymology: aerography + er : a warrant officer … Useful english dictionary
aerographer's mate — noun Date: circa 1952 a navy petty officer specializing in meteorology … New Collegiate Dictionary
aerography — aerographer, n. aerographic /air euh graf ik/, aerographical, adj. /air rog reuh fee/, n. the study of the air or atmosphere. [1745 55; AERO + GRAPHY] * * * … Universalium
List of United States Navy ratings — From left to right: a Special Warfare Operator 1st Class and a Boatswain s Mate 2nd Class. United States Navy ratings are general occupations that consist of specific skills and abilities. Each naval rating has its own specialty badge, which is… … Wikipedia
Station model — A station model is a symbolic illustration showing the weather occurring at a given reporting station. Meteorologists created the station model to plot a number of weather elements in a small space on weather maps. Maps filled with dense station… … Wikipedia
United-States-Navy-Verwendungsbezeichnungen — PO3 (Signalman) (blaue Uniform) PO2 (Gunner s Mate) (weiße Uniform) Die Petty Officers (PO) der US Navy haben neben ihrem Rang (rate … Deutsch Wikipedia
United States Navy Verwendungsbezeichnungen — PO3 (Signalman) (blaue Uniform) PO2 (Gunner s Mate) (weiße Uniform) Die Petty Officers (PO) der US Navy haben neben ihrem Rang (rate … Deutsch Wikipedia