

English syllables. 2014.

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  • corticifugal — SYN: corticofugal. * * * cor·ti·cif·u·gal .kȯrt ə sif yə gəl, sif i gəl adj originating within and passing away from the cortex <a corticifugal nerve fiber> * * * cor·ti·cif·u·gal (kor″tĭ sifґə gəl) [cortex + L. fugere …   Medical dictionary

  • corticifugal — adjective of a nerve fiber passing outward from the cerebral cortex corticofugal discharges • Syn: ↑corticoefferent, ↑corticofugal • Similar to: ↑efferent, ↑motorial …   Useful english dictionary

  • corticoefferent — SYN: corticofugal. * * * cor·ti·co·ef·fer·ent ef ə rənt; ef .er ənt, ē .fer adj CORTICIFUGAL * * * cor·ti·co·ef·fer·ent (kor″tĭ ko efґər ent) corticifugal …   Medical dictionary

  • corticofugal — Passing in a direction away from the outer surface; denoting especially nerve fibers conveying impulses away from the cerebral cortex. SYN: corticifugal, corticoefferent. [L. cortex, rind, bark, + fugio, to flee] * * * cor·ti·cof·u·gal… …   Medical dictionary

  • corticoefferent — adjective of a nerve fiber passing outward from the cerebral cortex corticofugal discharges • Syn: ↑corticofugal, ↑corticifugal • Similar to: ↑efferent, ↑motorial * * * “+ adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • corticoefferent — adj. (Med.) directed from the cerebral cortex; of nerves and nerve impulses. Syn: corticofugal, corticifugal. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • corticofugal — adj. same as {corticoefferent}; as, corticofugal discharges. Syn: corticoefferent, corticifugal. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Efferent — Carrying away. An artery is an efferent vessel carrying blood away from the heart. An efferent nerve carries impulses away from the central nervous system. The opposite of efferent is afferent. * * * Conducting (fluid or a nerve impulse) outward… …   Medical dictionary

  • centrifugal — 1. Denoting the direction of the force pulling an object outward (away) from an axis of rotation. 2. Sometimes, by analogy, extended to describe any movement away from a center. Cf.:eccentric (2). [L. centrum, center, + fugio, to flee] * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • -fugal2 — [L. fugere to flee from] a word termination implying traveling away from, affixed to a stem designating the object from which flight is made, as centrifugal, traveling away from a center, or corticifugal, directed away from the cortex …   Medical dictionary

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