- cotehardie
- cote·har·die
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cotehardie — /koht ahr dee, hahr /, n. (in the Middle Ages) a close fitting outer garment with long sleeves, hip length for men and full length for women, often laced or buttoned down the front or back. [1300 50; ME < OF: lit., bold coat] * * * … Universalium
cotehardie — noun A 14th to 16th century unisex garment tailored to fit the torso and arms, usually with a row of buttons down the front as well as down each fitted sleeve from the elbow to the wrist. Womens coathardies trailed on the floor, but those for men … Wiktionary
cotehardie — (ˈ)kōd.|ärdē, ōt|ä , ōt|hä noun ( s) Etymology: Middle French cote hardie, literally, bold tunic : a long sleeved medieval garment that was usually thigh length and belted for men and full length for women and that was made to fit closely often… … Useful english dictionary
Super-cotehardie — later edition of the surcote … Medieval glossary
1300-1400 in fashion — Fashion in fourteenth century Europe was marked by the beginning of a period of experimentation with different forms of clothing. Costume historian James Laver suggests that the mid 14th century marks the emergence of recognizable fashion in… … Wikipedia
1400-1500 in fashion — Fashion in 15th century Europe was characterized by a series of extremes and extravagances, from the voluminous gowns called houppelandes with their sweeping floor length sleeves to the revealing doublets and hose of Renaissance Italy. Hats,… … Wikipedia
List of fashion topics — This is a list of topics related to fashion, many of which do not yet have Wikipedia articles. NOTOC 0 9 1300 1400 in fashion 1500 1550 in fashion 1600 1650 in fashion 1700 1750 in fashion 1795 1820 in fashion 20th century fashion A A line A line … Wikipedia
Котарди — на участнике средневекового фестиваля в 2006 году в Польше … Википедия
Menswear — Menswear describes the category of men s clothing and accessories that includes men s sportswear, suits, shirts, neckties, hosiery, shoes, hats, outerwear, sleepwear, underwear, athlet icwear, and performance apparel. Trends in men s clothing… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Костюм эпохи Позднего Средневековья (Франция) — Костюм эпохи Позднего Средневековья выполнял во многом социальную функцию. Ношение платья в XIV XVI веках определялось понятием «луковицы», когда верхнее платье надевалось поверх нижнего, и количество слоёв зависело от социального статуса хозяина … Википедия