

English syllables. 2014.

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  • cracket — I A Geordie Dictionary A wooden stool II North Country (Newcastle) Words a low stool …   English dialects glossary

  • cracket — ˈkrakə̇t dialect Britain variant of cricket …   Useful english dictionary

  • Troobian Empire — The fictional villains of the Power Rangers universe that appeared in the television series Power Rangers S.P.D. were the Troobian Empire, a galactic empire and warlike army in the service of Emperor Gruumm. The term Troobian refers to any being… …   Wikipedia

  • Monstruos de Power Rangers — Anexo:Monstruos de Power Rangers Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los monstruos es un término que se usa para los secuaces de los villanos de Power Rangers. Los villanos usan a monstruos para destruir a los Power Rangers. Los monstruos son creados… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sophie Blanchard — Grabado de Sophie Blanchard. Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • cricket — cricket1 cricketlike, adj. /krik it/, n. 1. any of several jumping, orthopterous insects of the family Gryllidae, characterized by long antennae and stridulating organs on the forewings of the male, as one of the species commonly found in… …   Universalium

  • Anexo:Monstruos de Power Rangers — Los monstruos es un término que se usa para los secuaces de los villanos de Power Rangers. Los villanos usan a monstruos para destruir a los Power Rangers. Los monstruos son creados por ellos o encontrados. Por una algún método se vuelven… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Crackett — Recorded in a number of spellings including Cracket, Crackett, and the more usual Crocket and Crockett, this is an Anglo Scottish surname. It has two quite has two known possible origins. The first is English and a medieval nickname for someone… …   Surnames reference

  • crick´et|er — crick|et1 «KRIHK iht», noun. 1. a small, black leaping insect related to the grasshopper. Male crickets make a chirping noise by rubbing their front wings together. 2. a metal toy that fits in the hand and when pressed makes a sound like that of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • crick|et — crick|et1 «KRIHK iht», noun. 1. a small, black leaping insect related to the grasshopper. Male crickets make a chirping noise by rubbing their front wings together. 2. a metal toy that fits in the hand and when pressed makes a sound like that of… …   Useful english dictionary

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