- craniad
- cra·ni·ad
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
craniad — Situated nearer the head in relation to a specific reference point; opposite of caudad. SEE ALSO: superior. * * * cra·ni·ad krā nē .ad adv toward the head or anterior end <the artery extends craniad> * * * cra·ni·ad (kraґne ad) [crani +… … Medical dictionary
craniad — ˈkrānēˌad adverb Etymology: crani + ad : toward the head or anterior end dissected out the growth as far craniad as the base of the hyoid … Useful english dictionary
craniad — adv. [Gr. kranion, skull; L. ad, toward] Toward the head or anterior end … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Deeper muscles of the neck and back (cat) — Deeper muscles of the neck and back in the cat includes the following: Rhomboideus, Rhomboideus Capitis, Splenius, Serratus Ventralis, Serratus Dorsalis, and the Intercostals.RhomboideusThe Rhomboideus is a thick, large muscle below the Trapezius … Wikipedia
Bursa — A bursa is a closed fluid filled sac that functions to provide a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. When the bursa becomes inflamed, the condition is known as "bursitis." Most commonly this is not an… … Medical dictionary
caudad — 1. In a direction toward the tail. 2. Situated nearer the tail in relation to a specific reference point; opposite of craniad. SEE ALSO: inferior. * * * cau·dad kȯ .dad adv toward the tail or posterior end * * * cau·dad (kawґdad) directed toward … Medical dictionary
cephalad — In a direction toward the head. SEE ALSO: cranial (1). * * * ceph·a·lad sef ə .lad adv toward the head or anterior end of the body * * * adj. towards the head. * * * ceph·a·lad (sefґə lad) [cephal + ad] proceeding toward the head, as opposed … Medical dictionary