- cryptozoa
- cryp·to·zoa
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Cryptozoa — is the collective name for the small (generally microscopic) animals that permanently live under conditions with high relative humidity. Many of them can be found in any sample of wet soil; a large part of the cryptozoa has not yet been… … Wikipedia
Cryptozoa — n. [Gr. kryptos, hidden; zoon, animal] An ecological group of cryptozoic terrestrial animals living in leaf litter, under twigs and pieces of bark and stone … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cryptozoa — The assemblage of small terrestrial animals found living in darkness beneath stones, logs, bark, etc. Potential colonizers of caves [25] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
cryptozoa — ˌkriptəˈzōə noun plural Etymology: New Latin, from crypt + zoa 1. : the animals that live a cryptobiotic life among the organic debris of a forest floor 2. : structures in Precambrian rocks thought to be the remains of primitive life compare… … Useful english dictionary
Microfauna — Soybean cyst nematode and egg. Microfauna (Ancient Greek mikros small + New Latin fauna animal ) refers to microscopic organisms that exhibit animal like qualities. Microfauna are represented in the animal kingdom (e.g., nematodes, small… … Wikipedia
Springtail — Springtails Temporal range: Early Devonian–Recent … Wikipedia
History of invertebrate paleozoology — The history of invertebrate paleozoology (also spelled palaeozoology ) differs from the history of paleontology in that the former usually emphasizes paleobiology and the paleoecology of extinct marine invertebrates, while the latter typically… … Wikipedia
Cryptozoology — n. [Gr. kryptos, hidden; zoon, animal; logos, discourse] The study of the Cryptozoa … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
patabionts — see cryptozoa … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology