- ctenoid
- cten·oid
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Ctenoid — means having the margin toothed like a comb . It is used to the scales of some fishes, such as perciforms that have such a toothed margin. Ctenoid scales are essentially cycloid scales with teeth at their posterior edges. It is thought that these … Wikipedia
Ctenoid — Cte noid (t[=e] noid or t[e^]n oid), a. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) Having a comblike margin, as a ctenoid scale. (b) Pertaining to the Ctenoidei. n. A ctenoidean. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ctenoid — CTENOÍD, Ă adj. în formă de pieptene. (< fr. cténoïde) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
ctenoid — [ten′oid΄, tē′noid΄] adj. [ CTENO + OID] having an edge with projections like the teeth of a comb, as the posterior margin of the scales of certain fishes … English World dictionary
ctenoid — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Greek ktenoeidēs, from kten , kteis comb more at pectinate Date: 1872 having the margin toothed < ctenoid scale >; also having or consisting of ctenoid scales < ctenoid fishes > … New Collegiate Dictionary
ctenoid — Having marginal projections that resemble the teeth of a comb … Fisheries — dictionary
ctenoid — adj. [Gr. kteis, comb; eidos, form] Comblike; having a margin of small teeth … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ctenoid — /tee noyd, ten oyd/, adj. Zool. 1. comblike or pectinate; rough edged. 2. having rough edged scales. [1830 40; < Gk ktenoeidés like a comb. See CTENO , OID] * * * … Universalium
ctenoid — adjective a) Having a toothed margin, usually fish scales b) Comb like in shape … Wiktionary
ctenoid — adj. rough edged; comblike (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
ctenoid — [ ti:nɔɪd] adjective Zoology (of fish scales) having many tiny projections on the edge like the teeth of a comb, as in many bony fishes. Compare with ganoid and placoid. Origin C19: from Gk kteis, kten comb + oid … English new terms dictionary