- cyclophyllidean
- cy·clo·phyl·lid·e·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cyclophyllidean — adjective or noun see cyclophyllidea … Useful english dictionary
cysticercoid — adj. [Gr. kystis, bladder; kerkos, tail; eidos, form] (PLATYHELMINTHES: Cestoda) A tapeworm cyclophyllidean metacestode developing from an oncosphere that has penetrated the gut of an intermediate host; it usually has a tail and a wellformed… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Taenia — In medicine, taenia is a genus (group) of large tapeworms some of which are parasitic in humans. In anatomy, taenia refers to a band or a structural line and applies to several bands and lines of nervous matter in the brain. In Latin, taenia… … Medical dictionary
hexacanth — The motile six hooked first stage larva of cyclophyllidean cestodes; it emerges from the egg and actively claws its way through the intermediate host s intestine prior to development into the next larval stage; e.g., the h. of Taenia saginata,… … Medical dictionary
Mesocestoides — Tapeworm genus found in carnivorous mammals, such as foxes; mites probably intermediate hosts; few human cases identified in Japan, the United States, and China. * * * Me·so·ces·toi·des .ses tȯi (.)dēz n a genus (the type of the family… … Medical dictionary
metacestode — The larval stages of a tapeworm, including the metamorphosis of the oncosphere to the first evidence of sexuality in the adult worm, differentiation of the scolex, and beginning of proglottid formation; it includes the … Medical dictionary
Multiceps — A genus of taeniid tapeworms in which the larval forms in herbivores occur in the form of a coenurus (multiple scoleces invaginated within a single cyst). [multi + L. caput, head] M. m. a species the mature form of which occurs in the intestines… … Medical dictionary
oncosphere — SYN: hexacanth. [onco + G. sphaira, sphere] * * * on·co·sphere also on·cho·sphere äŋ kō .sfi(ə)r n a tapeworm embryo that has six hooks and is the earliest differentiated stage of a cyclophyllidean tapeworm called also hexacanth embryo * * * n.… … Medical dictionary
Raillietina — A genus of tapeworms (family Davaineidae, order Cyclophyllidea), three species of which, R. madagascariensis or R. demerariensis, R. asiatica, and R. formsana, have been found in humans. However, the identification of many of these worms found in … Medical dictionary
moniezia — mo·nie·zia .män ē ez ē ə n 1) cap a genus of cyclophyllidean tapeworms (family Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the intestine of various ruminants and having a cysticercoid larva in oribatid mites 2) any tapeworm of the genus Moniezia Mo·niez mȯn… … Medical dictionary