

English syllables. 2014.

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  • dandyprat —    In the sixteenth century this word was variously applied to a small coin, to a person who was either physically or morally insignificant, or to a young lad. The origin of the word is not known, though the first element appears to be a form of… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • dandyprat — obsolete variant of dandiprat …   Useful english dictionary

  • dan|di|prat — «DAN dee prat», noun. 1. a small English coin worth three halfpence, used in the 1500 s. 2. a child; urchin. 3. an insignificant person; whipper snapper. 4. Obsolete or Archaic. a dwarf; pygmy. Also, dandyprat …   Useful english dictionary

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