

English syllables. 2014.

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  • DARDANI — vulgo Dardanii, Strab. quorum regio Dardania, pars Moesiaesuper. ubi dein Dacia mediterr. et neuc Servia, versus Austr. et herzegovina. Eius urbes praecipuae fuêre Nessus et Scupia. Chlamydem Dardanicam mantuelem, h. e. chlamydem in modum manti… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Dardani — This article is about a tribe in the Balkans. For the Trojan allies, see Dardanoi. Dardania prior to Roman conquest, shown with red on the upper part of the map Dardania (Ancient Greek: Δαρδανία; Latin: Dardania) was the region of the Dardani… …   Wikipedia

  • Dardani — Dardanien Die Dardaner waren in der Antike ein Volksstamm, der im Inneren der Balkanhalbinsel lebte. Das Gebiet der Dardaner, die von Wissenschaftlern teils zu den Illyrern, teils zu den Thrakern gerechnet werden, umfasste das heutige Kosovo,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dardani — ˈdärdənˌī, ˌē noun plural Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin, from Greek Dardanoi : an ancient Illyrian people especially noted for their successful raids on Macedonia and the Roman provinces during the 1st century B.C …   Useful english dictionary

  • Antonio Dardani — Antonio Dardani, né en 1677 à Bologne en Émilie Romagne et mort en 1735 dans cette même ville, est un peintre italien baroque de la fin du XVIIe et du début du XVIIIe siècle. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Antonio Dardani — (c. 1677 1735) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.He was born and active in Bologna, where he had been a pupil of Giovanni Maria Viani and Marcantonio Toni. References*cite book| first=Michael| last=Bryan| year=1886| title= Dictionary… …   Wikipedia

  • ДАРДАНЫ —    • Dardăni,          Δαρδανοι,        1. народ, живший в Дардании в Верхней Мезии, нынешней Сербии, к северу от горы Скарда до реки Марга (Маровы); народ нечистоплотный, но любящий музыку. Liv. 40, 57. Caes. b. c. 3, 4. Strab. 7, 315 316;… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • List of ancient tribes in Illyria — This is a list of ancient tribes in the ancient territory of Illyria (Ancient Greek: Ἰλλυρία). The name Illyrians seems to be the name of one Illyrian tribe, which was the first to come in contact with the ancient Greeks, causing the name… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Thracian tribes — or partly Thracians tribes or tribes inhabiting lands known as Thrace: Tribes Thracian *Akrokomai *Agriani *Apsinthi *Asti (Thracian tribe) *Bastarni *Beni (Thracian tribe) *Bessi *Bisaltae *Bistoni *Bithyni *Brigi *Brizi *Carpi (Thracian tribe)… …   Wikipedia

  • der-, heavy basis derǝ-, drē- —     der , heavy basis derǝ , drē     English meaning: to cut, split, skin (*the tree)     Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schinden, die Haut abziehen, abspalten, spalten”     Note: Root der , heavy basis derǝ , drē : “to cut, split, skin (*the tree)”… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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