- agenetic
- age·net·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
agenetic — adjective Not genetic; that does not have a genetic cause … Wiktionary
agenetic — adj. lacking a bodily organ or lacking a properly developed bodily organ; sterile, impotent … English contemporary dictionary
agenetic — |ājə̇|ned.ik adjective Etymology: a (II) + genetic : nongenetic … Useful english dictionary
agenetic fracture — spontaneous fracture due to imperfect osteogenesis … Medical dictionary
agenesis — agenetic /ay jeuh net ik/, adj. /ay jen euh sis/, n. Pathol. 1. absence of or failed development of a body part. 2. sterility; impotence; barrenness. Also, agenesia /ay jeuh nee zheuh, zhee euh see euh/. [1850 55; < NL; see A 6, GENESIS] * * *… … Universalium
Ceruloplasmin deficiency — Lack of the protein ceruloplasmin from the blood and accumulation of iron in the pancreas, liver and brain, causing diabetes and progressive nervous system degeneration with the tremors and gait abnormalities characteristic of Parkinson disease.… … Medical dictionary
barren — adj 1. childless, sterile, infertile, unpro lific, infecund, agenetic, unprocreant, Bot. acarpous, (of cows) farrow, impotent, effete. 2. unproductive, unyielding, unfructuous, unfruitful, fruitless; uncultivable, uncultivatable, fallow;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
effete — adj 1. weakened, enfeebled, enervated, devitalized, drained, worn out, used up, played out, burned out, spent; weak, feeble, powerless. 2. decadent, degenerate, corrupt, dissolute, dissipated, depraved, debauched, deteriorated, degraded, debased … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
impotent — adj 1. powerless, helpless, weak, feeble, frail, infirm, impuissant; exhausted, worn out, enfeebled, spent, all in, done for; prostrate, shattered, demoralized; enervated, nerveless, debilitated; disabled, decrepit, crippled, paralytic, palsied;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder