- agnolotti
- ag·no·lot·ti
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Agnolotti — ( priest hats in Italian) is a kind of ravioli made with small pieces of flattened pasta dough, folded over with a meat and/or vegetable stuffing.OverviewTraditionally agnolotti are of a semicircle shape. However, they can also be rectangular… … Wikipedia
Agnolotti — Les agnolotti (« chapeau de curé » en italien) sont des pâtes farcies de forme rectangulaire, plus rarement semi circulaire, d origine piémontaise. Ils peuvent être cuisinés par pochage dans de l eau bouillante, ou à la poêle avec un… … Wikipédia en Français
Agnolotti — es una pasta italiana rellena, parecida a los ravioli pero con borde quadrado, originario de la región de Piamonte. Generalmente rellena con carne y vegetales. Se trata de una pasta muy asociada a la región de Piamonte. Categorí … Wikipedia Español
Agnolotti — Pastaherstellung im Lebensmittellabor zur Qualitätsprüfung der Rohstoffe frisch hergestellte Pasta (Pasta fresca) Pasta sind italienische … Deutsch Wikipedia
agnolotti — ˌänyəˈlȯt(t)ē noun (plural agnolotti) Etymology: Italian, plural of agnolotto, agnellotto, alteration of (assumed) anegliotto, alteration of anellotto, diminutive of anello ring, from Latin anellus, diminutive of anus ring more at anus : a… … Useful english dictionary
agnolotti — /an yeuh lot ee/; It. /ah nyaw lawt tee/, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) Italian Cookery. a dish of small pasta shaped like half moons and usually filled with tortellini stuffing: boiled and served in broth or with a sauce. [ < It: filled disc… … Universalium
agnolotti — noun A type of round or rectangular raviolo from Piedmont made from a small sheet of pasta folded up … Wiktionary
agnolotti — [ˌanjə lɒti] plural noun small filled pasta squares. Origin from Ital … English new terms dictionary
agnolotti — ag•no•lot•ti [[t]ˌæn yəˈlɒt i[/t]] it. ˌɑ nyɔˈlɔt ti n. used with a sing. or pl. v.) small, usu. crescent shaped pockets of pasta filled with cheese, ground meat, etc., and served in a sauce or broth. • Etymology: [1950 55] … From formal English to slang
agnolotti — /ænjəˈlɒti/ (say anyuh lotee) noun semicircular pieces of pasta stuffed with meat, cheese or other filling, and sealed at the edges. {Italian dialect: literally, little rings} …