

English syllables. 2014.

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  • dermographism — der·mog·ra·phism (.)dər mäg rə .fiz əm n a condition in which pressure or friction on the skin gives rise to a transient raised usu. reddish mark so that a line traced on the skin becomes visible called also dermatographia, dermatographism… …   Medical dictionary

  • dermographism — n. irritated condition in which pressure or scratches on the skin cause the appearance of red marks (Medicine) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • dermographism — n. a local reaction caused by pressure on the skin. People with such highly sensitive skin can ‘write’ on it with a finger or blunt instrument, the pressure producing weals …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • dermographism —   n. condition in which slight pressure, as of writing, on skin causes red mark.    ♦ dermographic, a …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • dermographism — noun see dermographia …   Useful english dictionary

  • Дермографизм (Dermographism) — местная реакция, возникающая при надавливании на кожу. Люди с такой повышенной чувствительностью кожи могут писать на ней собственным пальцем или каким либо тупым предметом, в результате чего от оказываемого на кожу давления на ней остаются… …   Медицинские термины

  • black dermographism — black or greenish streaking of the skin caused by deposit of fine metallic particles, such as those abraded from jewelry by dusting powders …   Medical dictionary

  • symptomatic dermographism — a dermographic response in which wheals appear soon after stroking, mild scratching, or other friction …   Medical dictionary

  • white dermographism — linear blanching of (usually erythematous) skin of persons with atopic dermatitis in response to firm stroking with a blunt instrument …   Medical dictionary

  • factitious urticaria — dermographism …   Medical dictionary

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