- deutomerite
- deu·tom·er·ite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
deutomerite — The posterior nucleated portion of an attached cephalont in a gregarine protozoan, separated by an ectoplasmic septum from the anterior portion, or protomerite. [deuto + L. meros, part] … Medical dictionary
deutomerite — d(y)üˈtäməˌrīt noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary deut + mer (from Greek meros part) + ite more at merit … Useful english dictionary
cephaline — Denoting members of the protozoan suborder Cephalina (order Eugregarinida), characterized by bodies divided into chambers (anterior protomerite and posterior deutomerite, or anterior epimerite, protomerite, and terminal deutomerite); all are… … Medical dictionary
cephalont — Adult stage of a cephaline gregarine, a sporozoan parasite commonly found in arthropods and other invertebrate hosts. The body is usually divided by a septum into an anterior epimerite and protomerite … Medical dictionary
protomerite — The second segment (lacking a nucleus) of a septate gregarine, between the epimerite and the deutomerite; it becomes the anterior end of the gamont after it has broken free of its host cell, leaving the epimerite embedded (usually in the gut … Medical dictionary
GRÉGARINES — Les Grégarines, parasites des Invertébrés, sont des êtres vivants unicellulaires ou Protistes, de taille assez exceptionnelle puisqu’elles peuvent atteindre plusieurs millimètres de long. Par les particularités de leur reproduction ce sont des… … Encyclopédie Universelle