- digonal
- di·go·nal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
digonal — (ˈ)dī|gōnəl adjective Etymology: di + Greek gōnia angle + English al of an axis of symmetry of a crystal : twofold, diad … Useful english dictionary
List of spherical symmetry groups — List of symmetry groups on the sphere = Spherical symmetry groups are also called point groups in three dimensions. This article is about the finite ones.There are four fundamental symmetry classes which have triangular fundamental domains:… … Wikipedia
Tetrahedral prism — In geometry, a tetrahedral prism is a convex uniform polychoron (four dimensional polytope). This polychoron has 6 polyhedral cells: 2 tetrahedra connected by 4 triangular prisms. It has 14 faces: 8 triangular and 6 square. It has 16 edges and 8… … Wikipedia
Disphenoid — The tetragonal and digonal disphenoids can be positioned inside a cuboid bisecting two opposite faces. All four faces are isosceles triangles. Both have four equal edges going around the sides. The digonal has two sets of isosceles triangle faces … Wikipedia
Cuboctahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 14, E = 24, V = 12 (χ = 2) Faces by sides 8{3}+6{4} … Wikipedia
Ozone — For other uses, see Ozone (disambiguation). Ozone … Wikipedia
Nitrogen dioxide — Nitrogen dioxide … Wikipedia
Cupola (geometry) — For other uses, see cupola (disambiguation). Pentagonal cupola (example) Type Set of cupolas Faces n triangles, n squares 1 n agon, 1 2n agon Edges … Wikipedia
Pentahedron — In geometry, a pentahedron (plural: pentahedra) is a polyhedron with five faces. Since there are no face transitive polyhedra with five sides and there are two distinct topological types, this term is rarely used.With regular polygon faces, the… … Wikipedia
Gyrobifastigium — Infobox Polyhedron Polyhedron Type=Johnson J 25 J26 J27 Face List=4 triangles 4 squares Edge Count=14 Vertex Count=8 Symmetry Group= D 2d Vertex List=4(3.42) 4( Dual= Property List=convexIn geometry, the gyrobifastigium is the 26th… … Wikipedia