- do-briton
- in·do-briton;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Briton C. Busch — Briton Cooper Busch, (born in Los Angeles, California on 5 September 1936 died in Hamilton, New York on 10 May 2004), was a specialist in nineteenth century British diplomatic history, military history, and American maritime history at Colgate… … Wikipedia
Briton Hadden — (February 18, 1898 ndash; February 27, 1929) was the co founder of Time Magazine with his Yale classmate Henry Luce. He was Time s first editor and the inventor of its revolutionary writing style, known as Timestyle. Though he died at 31, he was… … Wikipedia
Briton Hadden — en 1928. Briton Hadden né le 18 février 1898 décédé le 27 février 1929 a été le co fondateur du TIME Magazine, publié dès 1923 avec son ancien camarade de classe de l Université Yale Henry Luce. Il fut le premier rédacteur en… … Wikipédia en Français
Briton Rivière — (August 14, 1840 ndash; 1920), English artist, was born in London.His father, William Rivière, was for some years drawing master at Cheltenham College, and afterwards an art teacher at Oxford. He was educated at Cheltenham College and at Oxford,… … Wikipedia
Briton Hadden — (* 18. Februar 1898; † 27. Februar 1929) war zusammen mit seinem Studienfreund Henry Luce, den er aus der gemeinsamen Zeit an der Yale Universität kannte, der Mitbegründer des Time Magazine. Hadden, der ebenso wie H. Luce demselben Jahrgang der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Briton and Boer — est un film muet américain réalisé par Francis Boggs et sorti en 1909. Fiche technique Réalisation : Francis Boggs Production : William Nicholas Selig Date de sortie : États Unis : 25 octobre 1909 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français
Briton — Brit on, a. [AS. bryten Britain.] British. [Obs.] Spenser. n. A native of Great Britain. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Briton — can refer to: * Britons (historical), ancient people from the island of Great Britain * British people, people of British ethnicity; originating from Britain; or citizens of the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands; or of one of… … Wikipedia
Briton Ferry — Briton Ferry, Stadt in Glamorganshire (Wales) an der Mündung des Neath, hat Eisenwerke, Zinnblechfabrikation und (1901) 6961 Einw … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Briton Ferry — (spr. britt n), Hafenstadt in Wales, an der Swanseabucht, (1901) 6961 E … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Briton — Anglo Fr. Bretun, from L. Brittonem (nom. Britto, misspelled Brito in MSS) a member of the tribe of the Britons, from *Britt os, the Celtic name of the Celtic inhabitants of Britain and southern Scotland before the 5c. Anglo Saxon invasion drove… … Etymology dictionary