- doddypoll
- dod·dy·poll
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
doddypoll — ˈdädēˌpōl noun Etymology: alteration (influenced by dod) (I) of Middle English dotypolle, dotepol, probably from dote fool (from doten to dote) + polle, pol poll more at dote, poll now dialect England … Useful english dictionary
George Peele — (born in London and baptized 25 July 1556 ndash; buried 9 November 1596), was an English dramatist.LifePeele was christened on 25 July 1556. His father, who appears to have belonged to a Devonshire family, was clerk of Christ s Hospital, and… … Wikipedia
dotepol — var. of doddypoll, Obs … Useful english dictionary
dotty-pol — see doddypoll … Useful english dictionary