- dolma
- dol·ma
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Dolma — is a family of stuffed vegetable dishes in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire and surrounding regions such as Russia, Middle East and the Caucasus and Central and South Asia. Perhaps the best known is the grape leaf dolma. Common… … Wikipedia
Dolma — (Albanisch: Sarmë; Türkisch: Yaprak sarması; Rumänisch: Sarmale; Aseri: Dolma; Armenisch: տոլմա, Tolma; Griechisch: Dolmades bzw. Dolmadakia; persisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dolma — (dolma en turco; dolma en bosnio; dolmades en griego; Dolme (دلمه) en persa; Tolma en armenio; sarma, en rumano; Yaprakes finos en Ladino) es una hoja de parra rellena de una deliciosa mezcla de arroz, con cebollas, carne vacuna picada, piñones y … Enciclopedia Universal
dolma — ● dolma nom masculin (turc dolma, farce) Plat froid constitué d un mélange de riz cuit, d oignons et parfois de raisins secs, enveloppé dans des feuilles de vigne et conservé à l huile d olive. (Spécialité turco grecque.) ● dolma (synonymes) nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dolma — dòlma ž <G mn dólmā/ ī> DEFINICIJA reg. kulin. 1. nadjev od mljevena mesa i riže 2. jedno od jela s takvim nadjevom SINTAGMA japrak dolma sarmica, arambašíći (u listu vinove loze); sogan dolma luk punjen smjesom mljevena mesa i riže… … Hrvatski jezični portal
dolma — n.; pl. {dolmas} or {dolmades}. (Cookery) a dish composed of well seasoned rice (with nuts or currants of minced lamb) simmered or braised in stock, stuffed into tomatoes or green peppers, or wrapped in grape leaves; popular in the near east. Syn … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dòlma — ž 〈G mn dólmā/ ī〉 reg. kulin. 1. {{001f}}nadjev od mljevena mesa i riže 2. {{001f}}jedno od jela s takvim nadjevom ∆ {{001f}}japrak ∼ sarmica, arambašíći (u listu vinove loze); sogan ∼ luk punjen smjesom mljevena mesa i riže ✧ {{001f}}tur … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Dolma — (türk.), eine bei den Türken beliebte Speise: Reis und gehacktes Fleisch in Kohl oder Weinblätter gehüllt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dolma — (türk., »Füllsel«), im Orient Speise aus Reis und gehacktem Hammelfleisch, stark gewürzt, als Füllsel in Hühnern, kleinen Kürbissen etc … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
dolma — dòlma dkt … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas
dolma — [dōl′mə] n. pl. dolmas or dolmades [dōl′mä′thēz] a dish consisting of a grape leaf, cabbage leaf, green pepper, etc. stuffed with rice, ground meat, chopped onions, spices, etc. and cooked … English World dictionary