- dosithean
- do·sith·e·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
dosithean — dōˈsithēən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Dositheus, 1st century A.D. Jewish heretic + English an : a member of a Samaritan sect believing in the heretic Dositheus as the Messiah and stressing especially the precepts of the law… … Useful english dictionary
DUSTAN — (al Dustān; Dositheans), Samaritan sect (or sects), followers of Dusis or Dustis, which is probably the Aramaic form of the Greek name Dositheos. In a somewhat different form – Dosa or Dostai – it is quite common in Jewish sources such as Mishnah … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Dositheos (Samaritan) — Gnosticism This article is part of a series on Gnosticism History of Gnosticism … Wikipedia
Dosetai — is a Greek given name meaning gift of God . It was extremely popular in late classical Judea and among Jewish communities in Egypt, and corresponds to the Hebrew Mattaniah or Nethaneel, which seems to have been a favorite one both in Palestine… … Wikipedia
Asceticism in Judaism — Asceticism is a term derived from the Greek verb ἀσκέω, meaning to practise strenuously, to exercise. Athletes were therefore said to go through ascetic training, and to be ascetics.In this usage the twofold application to the mode of living and… … Wikipedia