- dovetailer
- dove·tail·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
dovetailer — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌtālə(r) noun ( s) : one that dovetails; specifically : an operator of a machine for cutting dovetails in wood … Useful english dictionary
dovetail — dovetailer, n. /duv tayl /, n. Carpentry. 1. a tenon broader at its end than at its base; pin. 2. a joint formed of one or more such tenons fitting tightly within corresponding mortises. v.t., v.i. 3. Carpentry. to join or fit together by means… … Universalium
Computational theory of mind — In philosophy, the computational theory of mind is the view that the human mind is an information processing system and that thinking is a form of computing. The theory was proposed in its modern form by Hilary Putnam in 1961[citation needed] and … Wikipedia