dral — ×dral interj. žr. drala: Dral per raistus net Yliškin (tokia pieva) Vlk. Dral dral ir suverpiau Ds. Tiktai dral ir perplėšė rūbą Ds. Aš toj vietoj dral kitą išsiausiu Pl … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
hem´i|he´dral|ly — hem|i|he|dral «HEHM ee HEE druhl», adjective. having only half the planes required by the highest degree of symmetry: »a hemihedral crystal. ╂[< hemi + Greek hédra base1 + English al1] –hem´i|he´dral|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
hem|i|he|dral — «HEHM ee HEE druhl», adjective. having only half the planes required by the highest degree of symmetry: »a hemihedral crystal. ╂[< hemi + Greek hédra base1 + English al1] –hem´i|he´dral|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
hy|dral|a|zine — «hy DRAL uh zeen, zihn», noun. a drug sometimes used in the treatment of high blood pressure, though often accompanied by side effects. Formula: C8H8N4 ╂[< hydr(azino phth) alazine, the chemical name] … Useful english dictionary
i´co|sa|he´dral|ly — i|co|sa|he|dral «Y koh suh HEE druhl», adjective. having twenty faces. –i´co|sa|he´dral|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
i|co|sa|he|dral — «Y koh suh HEE druhl», adjective. having twenty faces. –i´co|sa|he´dral|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
oc´ta|he´dral|ly — oc|ta|he|dral «OK tuh HEE druhl», adjective. 1. having eight plane faces. 2. of or like an octahedron: »The direction…at right angles to an octahedral plane is called an octahedral direction (Science News). –oc´ta|he´dral|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
oc|ta|he|dral — «OK tuh HEE druhl», adjective. 1. having eight plane faces. 2. of or like an octahedron: »The direction…at right angles to an octahedral plane is called an octahedral direction (Science News). –oc´ta|he´dral|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
tet´ra|he´dral|ly — tet|ra|he|dral «TEHT ruh HEE druhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with a tetrahedron; having four faces. 2. Crystallography. belonging to a division of the isometric system of which the regular tetrahedron is the characteristic form.… … Useful english dictionary
tet|ra|he|dral — «TEHT ruh HEE druhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with a tetrahedron; having four faces. 2. Crystallography. belonging to a division of the isometric system of which the regular tetrahedron is the characteristic form. –tet´ra|he´dral|ly,… … Useful english dictionary